As a young believer struggling with forming right thinking from 21 years of life apart from Christ, I had an encounter with my mentor at the time, where she said to me "God is more concerned with your holiness than your happiness. If you are living a holy life, you will be happy." It was a shocking revelation to me, turning my thoughts and world upside-down. I had been raised to believe that problems were things to quickly dispose of or run away from in order to get to that elusive goal of "happiness". It never lasted long before the next problem came along and the cycle continued, until that day my mentor spoke those words of wisdom into my spirit. It forever changed how I viewed problems in life; they were no longer things to run away from so I could reach some subjective idea of happiness.
Difficulties were now opportunities to confront my own heart and submit myself to God for examination, so I could grow more into the likeness of my Savior.