Monday, March 31, 2014

Easter Devotions - Review

Are looking for something easy to do with the kids to provide some added meaning and depth to Easter?  Then here are two recommended Easter Devotions with activities, to do with your children.  The first is geared toward little ones and the second is geared toward slightly older children.  Either one is a great way to add a little something special to your Easter this year.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Foundations to Challenge - Bridging the Gap - Meet the Director Series #3

This is the third post in our series, where we are continuing to explore the advice and experiences that Directors have to share with us, regarding ways families can not just get to, but make it through, the Challenge levels successfully with their kids and what some of the obstacles are along the way.  

Today's interview is with my dearest friend, neighbor and Sister in Christ, Andrea.  She has Tutored Foundations and now is stepping up to Direct Challenge B this fall!  

Today meet...
Andrea Pontani
Cary, NC

Challenge B Director 2014-2015

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Year 2 - Week 23 - Presidents and Heat Flow

Today we combined our Week 23 and Week 24 a little bit.  We are heading to a special field trip next week for Wonderful Wednesdays (more to come on that next week).  So for dress up we did Presidents and then we focused our memory work on the way heat flows - conduction, convection and radiation.  

If you want to see the Orchestra Review Game I made up - skip down to the bottom of this post!  

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wonderful Wednesday's Link-Up #10

Welcome to Week #10 of the Wonderful Wednesday's Link-Up!  This Link-Up is for anyone who would like to share how they are creatively teaching their children the various subjects, including fine arts, at home.  All curriculum users are welcome! 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Foundations to Challenge - Bridging the Gap - Meet the Director Series #2

I am continuing our series to try to find out how we as parents, can make it not just to, but through the Challenge levels with our kids.  I'm exploring what it takes to Direct, persevere and press through the Challenge levels of CC.  

Today is another interview with a Director from my local Community.  She is very dear to me because she played a part in my stepping out to do Solagratiamom.  She encouraged me to share my Teaching Plans with other CC families and cheered me on, as I birthed my Wonderful Wednesday ideas, encouraging me to blog it all.  She has had extensive experience as first a Tutor, then a Foundations Director and now stepping into a Challenge A Director position!  She has been around CC for a long time and I'm excited to share with you, her insights and wisdom regarding Classical Conversations®.  

Today meet...
Michelle Blische
Cary, NC 

Challenge A Director 2014 - 2015

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Year 2 - Week 22 - Beethoven and Exploring Light

This week we decided to dress up as Beethoven from our Fine Art, Composer studies.  I loved the variety and versions we got of Beethoven.  It's so fun to see the kids when they are dressed up and given some free time, we often will see them acting out their character!  How great is it to see their minds exploring the character, time period and actions of that person's life - all on their own, based on what they have learned in class and home this year, regarding Beethoven?  That's why I love what I do!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wonderful Wednesday's Link-Up #9

Welcome to Week #9 of the Wonderful Wednesday's Link-Up!  This Link-Up is for anyone who would like to share how they are creatively teaching their children the various subjects, including fine arts, at home.  All curriculum users are welcome! 

Last Week's Top Two Featured Posts...

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Foundations to Challenge - Bridging the Gap! Meet the Director Series...

How do we bridge the gap in our understanding as Foundation's parents to the Challenge levels later on?  How do we get through, not just to, the Challenge level in Classical Conversations®?  Are Communities able to raise up Challenge level Directors easily because parents are fully committed to the model and feel confident to step into those rolls when their children are heading into that phase of their education?  What does all this memorization of these facts in the Grammar stage of CC have to do with Challenge later on anyway?  

These are questions that I have seen discussed over my four years with CC.  I thought I would go right to the source for answers - Challenge Directors!  So I started at my local Community.  I wanted to find out some perspectives and answers and share them with you!  I will be posting interviews with various Directors and give you their perspectives.   Let's find out why some folks have stepped up to teach Challenge, how much support and time it takes to Direct, how they handle and see the benefits of having children in the various levels of Foundations, Essentials and Challenge and how they all relate to one another.  It is my hope to encourage not only myself, but those who are also in need of seeing more clearly, the "long view" for CC!  So stay tuned as we explore this topic over the next 4 weeks.

Today meet....

 Christina Dunn
Cary, NC 

Challenge II Director  

Christina has 4 children and she has been homeschooling for over 12 years.  She has always been a classically educating Mom.  She has been involved in the homeschooling community for the last 10 years, teaching writing (composition, literature) science and Latin classes and now, Directing Challenge II for Classical Conversations®.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Year - Week 21 - Spies and Russian Salt Dough Map

This week it seemed fitting, since there is so much going on with current events and Russia, to zone in on our history sentence for our projects and dress up this week!  So, we dressed up as spies from the cold war!  We also did a salt dough map of Russia.  This theme couldn't escape one of our Moms who came through with a fantastic themed snack and review game.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wonderful Wednesday's Link-Up #8

Welcome to Week #8 of the Wonderful Wednesday's Link-Up!  This Link-Up is for anyone who would like to share how they are creatively teaching their children the various subjects, including fine arts, at home.  All curriculum users are welcome!

Last Week's Top Two Featured Posts

By far the most popular clicked on link last week was to the creative CC Presentation submitted by a parent - April.  If you haven't checked it out yet, you will definitely want to!

Our second featured post was by Linda at Navigating by Joy as she shares with us how to make multiplication towers.  Who doesn't need a creative idea on teaching multiplication?  Check it out!

This Week's Link-Up!
Being creative can be something crafty or it can be something unique with your own hands on approach to teaching your children.  Share it here!  Let's put our creative genius together and inspire others to reach beyond the pencil at times!  My goal isn't fun -but rather, to encourage our children to become life long learners and see the joy in learning because that is FUN!  So mark your blogging calendars and plan to stop by each week and LINK-UP!  

NEW!  If you aren't a blogger - no problem!  You can still link up your fantastic creations by using your FlickrPhotobucket or other online photo sharing account.  Just post your photo's URL from the account, by clicking on the "you are next - click here" button below!  It can just be a cool picture of something your family made or a dress up your child did!  We'd love to see (you can ignore the "blogger rules" below if you don't own a blog and aren't posting from it).  If you aren't technical and still want to share a photo or video - you can e-mail me to submit via  Can't wait to see!  

Link Up Rules:
  • Link directly to that post using the URL, not the blog in general.  
  • Appropriate posts are things such as: educational crafts, experiments, fine art creations, unique field trips, posts on teaching creatively various subject matter, education themed dress up or re-enactments, dioramas or projects.
  • State your post topic in the link description and pick a relevant thumb nail so your blog topic can be easily identified by viewers - DO NOT post links to your general blog name.  Use the specific URL for that post you are wanting to share*.
  • Please place the Wonderful Wednesday's button below, somewhere on your blog's webpage.
  • Try to visit at least one link to show some blogger love and support to others. 
I am looking forward to seeing what you all are creating out there!  I would love to see any link ups that were inspired by a Wonderful Wednesday idea too - copy cats are very welcome!!! 

Grab My Button

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Wonderful Wednesday's Link-Up #7

Welcome to Week #7 of the Wonderful Wednesday's Link-Up!  This Link-Up is for anyone who would like to share how they are creatively teaching their children the various subjects, including fine arts, at home.  All curriculum users are welcome!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Year 2 - Week 19 - Korean Lamb Towels & Silly First Law of Thermodynamics "Magic"

This week we dressed for our history sentence in our best attempts at Korean hanbok dresses and made  lamb towels for the kids to wear!  What a hoot!  They are so easy and fun!  All you need is a hand towel.  Here are the visual directions and written ones below pictures....