
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Announcing Wonderful Wednesdays Link-Up! Begins today!

You have seen Solagratiamom's™ Wonderful Wednesday's, where week by week we make history, science, geography, math and more - come alive for our kids through creative means such as; history dress ups, re-enactments, science experiments, educational crafting, projects and more.  Today starts a new Link-Up here at Solagratiamom™ for our classical world wide web blogging community of homeschooling families, to come together and show their creative ideas on how they are taking the classical approach at home!

So if you are a classical educating blogger then you can link-up to show how you have creatively brought your lessons to life for your kids!  Share your creative, classical methods and madness...and inspire others!  Being creative can be something crafty or it can be something unique with your own hands on approach to teaching anything within the classical model of education.  Share it here!  Let's put our creative genius together and inspire others to reach beyond the pencil at times, to teach the classical method!  My goal isn't fun -but rather, to encourage our children to become life long learners and see the joy in learning because that is FUN!  So mark your blogging calendars and plan to stop by each week and LINK-UP!

Link Up Rules:
  • Link directly to that post using the URL, not the blog in general.  
  • Appropriate posts are things such as: experiments, education themed dress up or re-enactment, dioramas, projects, educational crafts, fine art creations or unique field trip ideas.
  • You must be a classically educating family, following the classical model (curriculum choice doesn't matter).
  • State your post topic in the link description and pick a relevant thumb nail so your blog topic can be easily identified by viewers - DO NOT post links to your general blog name.  Use the specific URL for that post you are wanting to share*.
  • Please place the Wonderful Wednesday's button below, somewhere on your blog's webpage.
I am looking forward to seeing what you all are creating out there in the name of a classical education!  I would love to see any link ups that were inspired by a Wonderful Wednesday idea too - copy cats are very welcome!!!


The top two links will be featured in the following Wednesday's link-up. 
*I reserve the right to remove any posts that are off topic, inappropriate or don't support this link's theme.  

(Classical Conversations®, Well Trained Mind, Charlotte Mason, Montessori, Veritas Press - all classical approach bloggers welcome!)

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