Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy PI (3.14) Day!

Today was PI (3.14) Day!  So....we had to celebrate by heading down to Pie Bird Restaurant in Raleigh because they were celebrating this very educational day by offering pie slices for $3.14 each!  It was an educational field trip - don't you agree?


  1. Hello! Thank you for your blog, it's fabulous! I have a question regarding your teacher plans. I have signed up to tutor next year, and am wondering if your plans contain ideas that tutors could use for memory review, etc., or are the plans just for home use? Do you have a sample of the plan somewhere on your site? And do you already have a plan for Cycle 2? Thank you!

  2. Well, we didn't eat pie yesterday, but we did get doughnuts...they count, right? They're round, after all. ;) Glad you enjoyed your "pi"
